
How to Build Mobile-Friendly Dashboards in Looker Studio

Eric Huguenin

Last Modified on June 6, 2024

Did you know that 60% of global internet users use a mobile device to go online?

Mobile devices have become a staple of everyday life for millions of people. According to Statista, mobile ownership, and internet usage are forecasted to keep growing in the future. Currently, more than 90% of internet users use a mobile device at least some of the time.

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Additionally, Google predominantly uses a site’s mobile version for indexing and ranking, also known as mobile-first indexing. All this means is that it’s essential to build mobile-friendly dashboards when working with Google Looker Studio.

If you value user experience and retention, your Looker Studio dashboards should cater to mobile users. We’ll show you strategies for mobile audience targeting and the suggested practices to build mobile-friendly dashboards.

Here is an overview of what we’ll cover:

Let’s get started!

Mobile-Friendly Dashboard Process

Some of you may be thinking: surely a button must be available somewhere to make our dashboards mobile-friendly, right? 

Maybe it’s hidden somewhere or needs a few tweaks to the settings first.

Unfortunately, this option is not yet available in Looker Studio. So, let’s look at two ways of making mobile dashboards:

  1. Building from scratch
  2. Convert using CSS

When building from scratch, it is important to know who the target audience is so that we can design our dashboard accordingly. Also, do not be intimidated by using CSS, as it can help us build mobile-friendly dashboards in no time.

Screen Resolution for Target Audience

First, ask yourself: Do you want to optimize for a specific target audience, or do you need to optimize for the whole world?

Optimizing for a target audience or the whole world

Selecting a subset of users allows you to accommodate the specific needs of your target audience. On the other hand, optimizing for the whole world lets you reach the most people.

First, target audiences are the users most valuable to your business or who meet specific criteria. How do you determine the mobile screen resolution they use? You can use an analytics platform like Google Analytics 4 to answer that.

In GA4, go to Reports → Tech → Overview.

Opening the tech overview report

This report details the technologies your visitors used when they viewed your website. Here is a bar graph with the number of users by screen resolution.

Users by screen resolution bar graph

Screens for designing mobile dashboards can go from 360 pixels to 414 pixels wide. In our case, we’re only interested in the width, not the height.

As you can see, the most popular mobile screen resolution our users use is 390×844.

Most popular mobile screen resolution

To view a more detailed report on our screen resolutions, click View screen resolutions.

Viewing a more detailed report

You’ll redirect to Tech details. Here, you’ll see a detailed table for our screen resolutions.

Tech details Report

If you’re having difficulty finding your mobile screen resolutions because you have a lot of desktop users, add a secondary dimension to the table.

Click on + beside the screen resolution.

Adding a secondary dimension to the table

Next, select Platform/device → Device category.

Adding device category as a secondary dimension

With this, you can quickly differentiate between desktop and mobile screen resolutions. As confirmation, the 390×844 dimension is the top mobile resolution in this table.

Top mobile screen resolution

You could also use this table to optimize for specific users. If you have users that come from a given region of your target market, you can add them in.

First, you need to remove the device category dimension by clicking ✖.

Removing the device category dimension

Now, we can add a new one. Select Geography → Country.

Adding country as a secondary dimension

The good thing with this is that we can now analyze each screen resolution. We can see the number of Users, New Users, and Engaged Sessions for each.

Users, new users, and engaged sessions for each screen resolution

Additionally, you could sort the list by which is more valuable for Conversions or Total Revenue.

Sorting by conversions or total revenue

If you want to dive into your data further, you can start building exploration reports.

Add the screen resolution dimension to the rows section and the relevant metrics to the columns section. The only thing left to do is to add a filter for device categories that match mobile.

Adding a filter to the exploration report

As you can see, the 390 x 844 screen resolution is the top for all the metrics we have listed.

Screen Resolution for the Whole World

What if you don’t have a target audience yet? In this case, you should optimize for the whole world or share information with a general audience.

Let’s look at statistics websites like StatCounter to determine the most used screen resolutions worldwide.

StatCounter screen resolution stats

Here, we can look at a specific platform and region.

Viewing screen resolution market share by platform or region

Since we’re building mobile-friendly dashboards, let’s only look at the mobile screen resolutions.

Viewing mobile screen resolutions

Pointing our cursor to the top line, the most used mobile screen resolution is 360×800.

Top mobile screen resolution worldwide

For this example, we’ll build mobile-friendly dashboards based on the 390×844 screen resolution, since it caters to most mobile visitors to our website.

Build Mobile-Friendly Dashboards from Scratch

We’ll rebuild this dashboard in Looker Studio:

Reference dashboard

We assume you already know how to build a basic dashboard on your desktop. If you have any problems following along, you may check out our Google Looker Studio tutorial first.

First, let’s go to Theme and Layout → Layout. Set the navigation type to Hidden.

Setting the navigation type to hidden

Next, set the display mode to Fit to width.

Setting the fit-to-width display mode

Next, we’ll set our canvas size. We have decided to base this on the most used resolution from our GA4 account. In addition, we’re only interested in changing the canvas width.

Set the width to 390 and notice how the canvas size changes.

Changing the canvas size width

Next, we’ll select the Edge theme.

Selecting the edge theme

Now, we are ready to start building our dashboard. First, let’s add a rectangle as a banner on top. Next, add our logos.

Adding a rectangle and logos to the dashboard

Select both logos and go to the Style tab. Next, change the background color.

Changing the background color of the logos

By default, any uploaded image will have a background color set to white. Change this to transparent.

Setting the image background to transparent

🚨 Note: Your logos should still have a transparent background before uploading to the dashboard. Setting a transparent background color will not change anything if the original background is colored.

Resize the logos and position them on top of our dashboard.

Resizing and positioning the logos

💡 Top Tip: When you build mobile-friendly dashboards, you shouldn’t overcrowd them. Compared to dashboards made for desktops, do your best to summarize data and only keep what’s essential. A great way to summarize data is to use scorecards.

Insert a scorecard into the dashboard, then change the metric to Total users.

Inserting a total users scorecard

Next, we’ll add a comparison date range.

Inserting a comparison date range to the scorecard

Select the Previous period, then click Apply.

Selecting the previous period for the comparison date range

Duplicate the scorecard, then change the second metric to Total revenue.

Duplicating the scorecard for the total revenue metric

Next, select Add a control → Date range control.

Adding a date range control

An issue can arise when you decrease the size of the date range control. As a result, users may find it hard to understand what’s happening.

Cropped date range control label

Here’s a trick on how to deal with this issue.

Insert another rectangle. Change the background color to transparent and the border color to white.

Inserting a transparent rectangle with a white border

Next, insert text and type DATE. Set the font color to white.

Inserting a date label

Insert a date range control, then set the opacity to 0%.

Setting the date range control opacity to 0%

Finally, position the date range control over the rectangle and date label.

Positioning the date range control

Now, let’s add a section showing the number of users over time. First, add a section header. Next, add a time series chart.

Adding a time series chart for the number of users

Now, select a date range. For this example, let’s set it to the whole of March 2022 and click Apply.

Selecting a date range

Notice the changes to the scorecards and time series chart. The data in the scorecards is lower, and a comparison percentage from the previous period shows. 

Similarly, the time series chart only shows data for the selected period.

Updates to the chart from selecting a date range

Great! You should now have a good idea of how to build mobile-friendly dashboards in Looker Studio.

Previewing Dashboards in Mobile Mode

Let’s see how this dashboard will look on mobile. First, let’s go to the View mode.

Entering the view mode

To preview dashboards in mobile mode, we’ll need to toggle the device toolbar from our Chrome Developer Tools.

Right-click on the page, then click Inspect. Alternatively, you can click CTRL + Shift + I on Windows or Cmd + Shift + I on Mac.

Opening the Chrome developer tools

We’ll toggle the device toolbar by clicking on the button beside the Elements tab. Next, let’s change the width to 390.

Previewing dashboards on mobile mode

Another great addition when you build mobile-friendly dashboards is to have navigation menus.

Navigation menus in Looker Studio

If you want a smaller footprint on your dashboard, you could create another type where you have navigation bars.

Navigation bars in Looker Studio

Embedding Dashboards

Now, let’s see how to embed dashboards on our website.

Go to File → Embed report.

Embedding a dashboard

Select the code and copy it, or click Copy to Clipboard.

Copying the code to embed the report

Paste this in your webpage source code, and enclose it in a <center> tag – one at the beginning and one at the end with a forward slash.

Embedding the report to the website

Here is the result we should see:

Embedded dashboard on your website

Instant Mobile-Friendly Dashboards with One Code

Let’s look at the second method of how to build mobile-friendly dashboards. The key difference is you can start with an existing dashboard for this method.

Here, we have a dashboard, and we’ll force it to be responsive on a mobile display.

Example dashboard for desktop

To achieve this, we’ll look at a fantastic tip shared by Elliott Mellichamp for having responsive Google Looker Studio embedded dashboards. Here, we only have to add some HTML and CSS.

First, we need to copy the code to embed this report. Next, paste this code on your web page builder. The only difference is you need to add a div container at the start and close it at the end.

Enclosing the embedded code with a div tag

In the div container, rename the class name to anything that can help you distinguish this container from other elements on your webpage.

Let’s preview our webpage and verify that we’ve embedded the report.

Embedded desktop report on the website

Let’s see how this looks on mobile. First, let’s open the developer tools. When you interact with the dashboard, you can see that it has not been made responsive.

Unresponsive embedded report

This is because we did not add the CSS code yet. Go back and copy the code in step 3 of Elliot Mellichamp’s guide. Paste this CSS rule on your page.

The pasted CSS code on your website

Before saving these changes, pay attention to the naming you have for your div container. This name should be the same in your CSS code.

If we preview our website, we can now interact with the elements of our dashboard.

Responsive dashboard embed

This method will work best if you don’t have much data on your dashboard. Otherwise, you’ll still have to zoom in when you use your mobile.

If you have an existing dashboard that displays multiple data, it may be better to build one from scratch and use the first method we covered.

🚨 Note: Simplify and improve the effectiveness of your dashboards with our handy guide.


How can I determine the screen resolution for my target audience?

You can use an analytics platform like Google Analytics 4 to determine the screen resolution used by your target audience.
In GA4, navigate to Reports → Tech → Overview to view a report showing the number of users by screen resolution.

How can I optimize my dashboard for the whole world?

If you don’t have a specific target audience, you can optimize your dashboard for the whole world. You can use statistics websites like StatCounter to determine the most used screen resolutions worldwide.

How can I embed dashboards created in Looker Studio on my website?

1. Go to File in Looker Studio.
2. Select “Embed report”.
3. Copy the provided code.
4. Paste the copied code into your webpage’s source code.
5. Optionally, enclose the code in a <center> tag to center the dashboard on the page.


Those are two methods on how to build mobile-friendly dashboards in Looker Studio. We’ve looked at how to create one from scratch and how to convert an existing dashboard using CSS code.

Aside from ensuring your audience understands the content of your dashboard, you should also pay attention to creating a good user experience.

Check out these top 3 Looker Studio dashboard enhancements and techniques to make your dashboards interactive and stand out.

Are your dashboards mobile-friendly? Which method did you prefer to use? Let us know in the comments below!

Eric Huguenin

Eric is a web analytics content creator at MeasureSchool. He holds certifications in Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager at the CXL Institute. He enjoys breaking down marketing topics into easier-to-understand articles.

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