
Join the community where data-driven marketers
experiment, learn and grow together

Stay at the edge of analytics, data and tracking in unique group of Measurement Pros.

Measurement can be a lonely endeavor

You know the drill. You’re the one everyone turns to when they need help with data. Your colleagues, your clients – they all come to you. And don’t get me wrong, it feels great to be that go-to person. You’re valuable, and you know it.

But here’s the thing: unless you’re working for some big corporation with a massive analytics team, it can feel pretty isolating, right?

Think about it. When you’ve just nailed an awesome implementation, who do you share that excitement with? When you’re stuck on a problem and need a fresh perspective, where do you turn? And let’s not even get started on career growth. It’s tough to level up when there’s no one around to show you the ropes

That's exactly why we created MeasureSchool Pro.

Picture this: a community full of seasoned measurement pros just like you. A place where you can geek out about data without getting blank stares. Where experimentation isn’t just allowed, it’s encouraged. Where you can build connections that are as valuable as clean data (and we all know how precious that is).

Here, you’ll find your people. The ones who get just as excited about a perfectly implemented tracking plan as you do. The ones who are happy to brainstorm solutions when you’re stuck. The ones who can help you take your career to the next level.

Here's what you get inside MeasureSchool Pro

The MeasureSchool Pro Community

Our Pro community full of Data-Driven Marketers just like you. Get and give advice on questions you may have and learn from the approaches that others have discovered. Connect with likeminded Pros and share your unique approach to tracking, data and business.

Live Sessions

Twice a month we’ll get together to talk all about Measurement. In our Live-Trainings you will be educated on the approaches we use with clients. In the AskUsSessions you can ask Us anything about measurement and discuss the answer with us live. And occassionally we do business-minded sessions called MeasureMinds to share and discuss the insides of a Measurement business.

Time Saving Tools

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you want to do something. Our handy guides, templates and tools make it easy for you to concentrate on what you do best (your marketing) and make you more efficient. Some of our tools:

Data Pipeline – Search Console Historical Data to BigQuery
GA4 Configuration Planner
Looker Studio dashboard Migration: UA to GA4 data
Bookmarklet – Sort GA4 Event Params
UTM Builder
Google Analytics Permissions Explorer (UA & GA4)
Query GA4 data in BigQuery
Google Analytics 4 Audit Template
Measurement SOPs (Processes)
Shopify Data Layer Specifications
and much more

Weekly Data Dive Vid

MeasureSchool is build on a strong foundation of education of marketers. Each weekl we will release a new video from our ever-growing library of video content that dives deep into one aspect of measurement. 

Take a look inside of MeasureSchool Pro

Join MeasureSchool Pro


Unlock Access to:

Measurement Toolkit

Monthly Live Trainings

MasterCircle Community

AskUs Sessions & MeasureMind Calls

See what our students who've uplevelled
their skills have said..

"Julian's expertise teaches us to be experts to our clients"

"This is the most powerful thing ever..."

"I go into a business and help them using Julian's systems."

"The single most beneficial learning system for me for Analytics implementation"

Josh Silverbauer


"It has helped me with getting more profit and more clients.. definitely recommend."

Karina Taugwalder

Online Presence Care

So who is MeasureSchool Pro For?

We created MeasureSchool Pro specifically for agency owners, freelancers, and digital
marketers who want to specialize in data and tracking and want the support, training, and knowledge to level up.

In an industry where things are constantly changing and you need to stay top of your game,
we’ve got you covered.

So to help you make a great decision for yourself or your company,
MeasureSchool Pro is..

Perfect for you if you..

Not a great fit if you…

Get ahead of the curve and on top of an ever evolving industry.
Join MeasureSchool Pro today.

"MeasureSchool has allowed me to charge more for my services."

Uplevel your skills & become the data expert your clients need

Who is behind MeasureSchool Pro?

Julian Juenemann, Founder of MeasureSchool

Julian Juenemann

MeasureMasters is powered by Julian Juenemann and his small team at MeasureSchool. He learned the ropes of Digital Marketing in different startups he co-founded and quickly became fascinated with how data-driven this world could be.

After launching his consultancy, JJAnalytics in 2013, he began helping other businesses adopt the data-driven way of Digital Marketing.

In 2015, he launched the MeasureSchool YouTube channel to reach out and teach this new way of marketing to others. With over 150,000 subscribers, MeasureSchool has become the leading video source for many marketers to learn these data-driven methods.

In his spare time, Julian enjoys playing the guitar, watching YouTube, and hacking around in JavaScript.

money back guarantee

14-Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

When you join MeasureSchool Pro, you are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don’t feel like you’ve received value and you decide you want to cancel any time within the next 14 days, just let us know and we’ll send you a prompt refund. No hassles, headaches or hoops to jump through.


If you want to be sourrounded by Pros, then yes, it is suitable for beginners who want to grow fast.

MeasureSchool Pro is always evolving to support technical marketers. It’s a community determined to master the data-driven way of digital marketing together. We are always adding new content and activities for our members. Currently inside you will find:
– Access to our MeasureSchool Pro community
– Library of Tools & Templates
– Weekly Data Dive Vid
– Monthly Live Trainings & Ask Us Session

Yes, we offer a 14-day money back guarantee for your first purchase.

MeasureSchool Pro is not a course, it’s a community. While you will learn a lot from others, there is no course content included in MS Pro. Have a look at our other MeasureSchool products if you are interested in tacking a course.

Sourround yourself with the Pros.

Your data is only half of your measurement journey. Community is where you grow and learn the fastest.

Joining MeasureSchool Pro only takes a few seconds.